Essay Sketch

essay #1
essay #1.1
usability 1.1


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Usability Evaluation


Do you consider yourself a: A)computer genius B)average computer user C)can get along if I have enough time D)never touch a computer without help

B)average computer user

How often do you use the web?

every day

Have you been to my website before? If so, what do you think overall?


In this essay sketch, were you able to follow it easily and effectively?

Yes. It flowed very good and allowed me to explore as I wanted.

What did you think overall?

I liked it, it was informative and funny.

What did you think of the navigation?

The navigation was easy to understand and move through.

Did you notice the “@” symbol in the navigation? If not, how could I have made it better?

No. I didn't really notice till later. I would suggest changing the color when it is active.

What did you think about the use of text and pictures?

The text was a little big, but I thought the pictures were placed good and helped alot.

Could you relate to the material?

Yes. I have known mac for 4 years, and think everything was pretty much him.

Is there anything you would have changed or added?

I wouldn't change anything.